lab06 : Accumulator Pattern, more TDD practice

num ready? description assigned due
lab06 true Accumulator Pattern, more TDD practice Thu 08/30 11:00AM Sat 09/08 06:30PM

You may pair or work alone on this lab.


For this lab, you will create two files:

There is starter code for each of these (.py files) at the following link:

I suggest you proceed as follows:

  1. Create a directory called ~/cs8/lab06 (using the mkdir command) and cd into that directory.
  2. Use idle3 (you might try idle3 & if you want to keep your prompt handy) to bring up idle3.
  3. Use “New File” to create empty files called and in that ~/cs8/lab06 directory.
  4. ONE AT A TIME, copy the function definitions from the starter code, and the tests that go along with those, and get the tests to pass.
    • By one a a time, what I mean is, at your first step, copy ONLY the first function definition from the starter code and copy only the test cases from that go with that function definition.
    • Then, before you move on to the next function definition and its tests, get all of the tests from the one you just copied to pass.
    • Then, and only then, copy the next function definition and its tests into your files.
    • Repeat this until you have ALL of the function definitions and their tests, and all of them pass.

Note that what you are given differs from function to function: either a complete function definitions

When you’ve done that, you are ready to try submitting to Gradescope for a final grade. HOWEVER, you are encouraged to try submitting to Gradescope earlier, for several reasons:

The coding exercises work with the accumulator pattern that we’ve been going over in lecture and the homeworks.


Navigate to that page, and upload your file.