lab05 : Turtle Graphics: Scene from a forest

num ready? description assigned due
lab05 true Turtle Graphics: Scene from a forest Thu 08/23 11:00AM Wed 09/05 06:30PM


The goal of this exercise is to draw a forest scene from basic shape primitives that you will implement using turtle graphics. The key idea to learn how to use functions as building blocks in more complex compositions. You will also learn about using repetition and randomization in your code to create interesting outcomes.

What you’ll be drawing

You’ll be writing functions to produce two basic shapes: a rectangle and a triangle. Each function takes parameters that specify the size, orientation, pen color, and fill color of that shape. This will allow us to create more interesting drawings later on. The function definitions are given below:

The output produced when each function is callled with specific parameter values is shown in the following figure.


The above drawings are the result of calling either drawRectangle() or drawTriangle(). In each drawing, the turtle stamp shoes the initial location and heading of the turtle right before the corresponding function is called. For example the top left drawing is the output of the following line of code, when the turtle is at the top left corner:

drawRectangle( width = 50, height = 100, tilt = 0, penColor = "red", fillColor = "")

The subsequent three drawings on the same row are the output of repeatedly moving the turtle to the right, and calling the drawRectangle() function changing the tilt, penColor and fillColor. The function calls and parameter values to produce these drawings are given below:

drawRectangle( width = 50, height = 100, tilt = 20, penColor = "green", fillColor = "yellow")
drawRectangle( width = 50, height = 100, tilt = 60, penColor = "blue", fillColor = "blue")
drawRectangle( width = 50, height = 100, tilt = 90, penColor = "red", fillColor = "red")

Similarly, the drawings on the next row are the result of repeatedly calling drawTriangle() with the following parameter values:

base height tilt penColor fillColor
50 100 0 "red" ""
50 100 20 "green" "yellow"
50 100 60 "red" "red"
50 100 90 "blue" "blue"

Once you have implemented the above basic shape primitives, you will use them as building blocks to create the following forest scene!


To create this scene you will implement additional functions to draw a tree, a hut, a forest and a village!

The programming part

Step 1: Create a lab05 directory under your cs8 directory

Create a directory called ~/cs8/lab05 for a file we are going to call

If you don’t recall the commands, you may refer to any of the previous labs

Step 2: Open idle3 and create

Open up idle3 and select the menu option File => New File to create a new file.

In this file, put this code (but put your name instead of “your name goes here”)

#, your name goes here
import turtle
import math 

if __name__=="__main__":
  t = turtle.Turtle()

The if test for __name__=="__main__": is where everthing in your program should go except for:

I realize it’s a strange looking line of code—if you haven’t already seen it before in lecture or another lab, you can find an explanation of it here: All about if __name__=="__main__":.

You can name your turtle anything you like; I used t because it’s short to type.

Optionally, you can make your turtle look like a turtle by putting this line in your __main__ block also:


So the whole main block looks like this:

if __name__=="__main__":
  t = turtle.Turtle()

Save this, and run it. You should see a turtle appear.

Step 3: Create and implement the functions for the basic shapes - rectangle and triangle

In your file, write the skeleton of drawRectangle() and drawTriangle() as shown below. You will need some of the trigonometric functions provided in that math module to implement drawTriangle(). In order to use that module, add a line to import it at the top of the file. To learn more about the math module refer the Python documentation on the module and scroll down to the section on trigonometric functions.

import math

def drawRectangle(width, height, tilt, penColor, fillColor):
    draw a rectangle with a given width, height, penColor and fillColor,
    with the current location of the turtle being the 
    lower left corner, and the bottom side tilted by an angle tilt (specified in degrees)
    relative to the horizontal axis. Use a turtle called t to create the drawing

    # Insert code to draw the rectangle
def drawTriangle(base, height, tilt, penColor, fillColor):
    draw a triangle with a given base, height, penColor and fillColor,
    with the current location of the turtle being the 
    lower left corner, and the bottom side tilted by an angle tilt (specified in degrees)
    relative to the horizontal axis. Use a turtle called t to create the drawing

    # Insert code to draw the triangle
def testRectangle():
    drawRectangle( 50, 100, 0, "red", "") 

    # Move the turtle right by 200 units without leaving a trail
    t.seth(0)   # Set the absolute heading of the turtle to 0 degrees (pointing east)
    t.forward(200) # Move the turtle forward by 200 units 

    drawRectangle( 50, 100, 20, "green", "yellow") 

    # Move the turtle right by 200 units without leaving a trail
    t.seth(0)   # Set the absolute heading of the turtle to 0 degrees (pointing east)



With these basic primitives, you are now ready to make something more interesting! Refer back to the forest scene that you are working towards. Which functions do you think you should implement next? Try to write the definitions of these functions before reading the next section.

Step 4: Draw a tree

Now that we have our basic shapes (the rectangle and the triangle), we are in a position to create the essential elements of our forest scene in code - functions to draw a tree and a hut. Once we do that, drawing the forest boils down to making repeated calls to these two functions and moving the turtle to a new spot in between function calls. We’ll start with the tree because it has a more regular structure.

Define a ‘drawTree()’ function to draw a tree. A general ‘drawTree()’ function should allow the user to specify the height and color of the tree as captured in the following function definition.

def drawTree(height, color):
    This function draws a tree with a specific height and color, with the 
    bottom of the bark at the current location of the turtle. The bark of the 
    tree is always brown. All other parameters such as the width of the tree 
    and the length of the bark are chosen so that the tree is well 
    proportioned. The tree top is composed of three triangles stacked on top 
    of each other.

Copy the above code and place it right after your implementation for drawTriangle. Now write a function testdrawTree() with some test code to test your implentation of drawTree(). Below is some initial test code:

def testdrawTree():
    drawRectangle(200, 200, 0 , "red","")
    drawTree(200, "green")

The above code helps you visually inspect if the your tree is of the specified height by drawing it alongside a rectangle of the same height. When you run this code with a correct implementation of drawTree() should see that the top of the tree coincides with the top side of the rectangle as shown in the following output:


Note that there are aspects of the tree that are not specified for you such as the width of the tree, the width and height of the bark, and the spacing between the three triangles that make up the tree top. You should make decisions on these aspects relative to the height of the tree so that a taller tree is wider and has a thicker and taller bark.

Now go ahead and implement your drawTree() function. Add more code to the testdrawTree() function to draw at least two well-proportioned trees of different heights at two different locations.

Step 5: Draw a row of trees - repetition made easy with loops

We would now like to go from drawing one tree to many trees, which will essentially become our forest. To begin define the function drawForest() as below:

def drawForest():
    Draws a collection of trees placed at random locations within a rectangular region

Start by drawing three trees of the same height in a row. One way of doing is this is to repeat a block of code to move the turtle to a specific spot and then call the drawTree() function as shown below:

# Move the turtle to location (-200, -100) and draw a tree  
t.goto(-200, -100)  
drawTree(200, "green")

# Move the turtle to location (0, -100) and draw another tree
t.goto(0, -100)  
drawTree(200, "green")

# Move the turtle to location (200, -100) and draw the third tree
t.goto(200, 100)  
drawTree(200, "green")

However a better way of doing the same thing is to use a for loop as demonstrated below:

for i in range(3):
    t.goto(400, -100)  
    drawTree(200, "green")

The for loop runs the block of code inside it three times. Run it and you’ll find that the turtle draws all the three instances of the tree at the same spot. Modify exactly one of the lines to get the same output as the version above it. You should get an output similar to the one below:


Step 6: Take a detour into random numbers

In this step you will use the python random module to add an artistic touch to your drawings. Although drawing all the trees in a straight line is a good first attempt at creating the forest, its not very realistic. So, your next goal is to place the trees at random locations that are roughly along a horizontal line. As a warm up try out the exercises below that demonstrate the use of the random module with the drawTriangle() function that you implemented earlier.

Start by writing a simple for loop to draw triangles along a circle. This code does not involve randomization.

def randomPlay():
    Experiments with the random module
    for i in range(36):
        radius = 200
        x = radius*math.cos(i*10*math.pi/180)
        y = radius*math.sin(i*10*math.pi/180)
        tilt = 10*i
        drawTriangle(50, 50, tilt, "black", "red")


When you run the above code, you will find a very regular arrangement of triangles along a circle as shown below. Read the code to understand why its producing this output. Note that both the location and tilt of each triangle is dependent on the value of our loop variable (i).


We will now introduce the use of random numbers into this code by selecting the tilt of each triangle to be a random number between 0 and 90 degrees. To do this replace the line tilt = 10*i by tilt = random.randint(0, 90). Then run the code. You should see a drawing similar to the one below, although not exactly the same!


We will next use the random module to randomize two other aspects of our drawing: the location of each triangle and its color. Previously, we drew all our triangles along a circle of radius 200. This time we will introduce a small random perturbation in that value by adding a random number between -50 and 50 to the radius in every iteration of the for loop. The line of code that does that is:

 radius = 200 + random.randint(-50, 50)

The second modification we will make is to select the color of each triangle at random from a list of colors. The following two lines of code defines our color choices and then selects one color from this list at random.

shadesOfGreen =["#006400", "#556b2f", "#8fbc8f", "#2e8b57", "#3cb371", "#20b2aa", "#32cd32"] 
color = random.choice(shadesOfGreen)

The list shadesOfGreen defines a list of color codes for different shades of green. The next line selects one of the elements of this list at random. The following code incorporates these new elements.

def randomPlay():
    Experiments with the random module
    shadesOfGreen =["#006400", "#556b2f", "#8fbc8f", "#2e8b57", "#3cb371", "#20b2aa", "#32cd32"] 
    for i in range(36):
        radius = 200 + random.randint(-50, 50)
        x = radius*math.cos(i*10*math.pi/180)
        y = radius*math.sin(i*10*math.pi/180)
        tilt = 0
        color = random.choice(shadesOfGreen)
        drawTriangle(50, 50, tilt, "black", color)

The output of the code is shown in the figure below. Try changing the limits to the random.randint() function and rerun the code, and observe the outcome. Notice how you can control the level of randomness in your drawings using this simple strategy.


Apply what you have learned in this section to complete your drawForest() function. Your forest should contain anywhere between 10 and 15 trees of different sizes and different shades of green placed randomly along a horizontal line.

Step 7: Draw a hut, then a village

Define a function to draw a hut with fixed dimensions, composed of only rectangles.

def drawHut():
    Draw a brown hut of fixed dimensions purely composed of rectangles
    Use the random module to enhance your drawing by introducing irregularilities in a controlled way

def drawVillage():
    Draw a sequence of five huts, placed randomly along a horizontal line

When testing these functions, comment out all calls to previous functions. This will help you focus on the elements of interest in your drawing.

Step 8: Put it all together

Finally, put all the elements that you have implemented to draw the final scene. When you are finished, ask a TA or instructor to look it over and give you some feedback on it.

It should be structured in a way that there is

  1. A single file called
  2. Code at the top of the file that sets up a turtle
  3. Next, function defintions for each of the basic shapes, test code for the basic shapes, drawTree(), testdrawTree(), drawForest(), drawHut(), and drawVillage()
  4. Finally, code that calls those functions to draw the forest scene. That code should be in a block that starts with if __name__=="__main__": as explained later in the lab.

If your code meets all those criteria, you should be in good shape to submit it.

Step 9: Submitting via Gradescope

Note that this week, although we are using Gradescope, it is NOT the case that the grade you get from the autograder is your final grade for the assignment.

The initial grade on Gradescope is just a PART of your grade–you will get 10 points for basically submitting anything that is a valid Python program that has the name

However, the other 90 points for this lab will come from an instructor or TA doing a manual inspection of your code to see if it complies with the requirements listed above.

If you want reassurance that your code is in good shape, you may ask a TA or instructor to look it over during office hours or lab.

To submit your code, navigate to the proper Gradescope submission page.

Navigate to that page, and upload your file.

If you got all 10 points, then your submission was accepted—but to emphasize, for this week, the other 90 points will be assigned by a human grader.

This lab was created by Diba Mirza